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tv   Anderson Cooper 360  CNN  July 8, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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i have to make sure that marginalized and underserved communities have access to locally grown food that is free of chemicals. we are more than just we are abouju diversity, and inclusion. we are changing the dynamic of the way people think about food, the we the way people use food and this work is changing people's lives. >> we will see the full story of how badly -- and also helping black farmers as cnn and, nominate someone you think is deserving while you were there. thanks for watching. our coverage continues. good evening, heading into two televised hearings, the january 6th committee wrapped up a highly anticipated significant day. for more than seven hours starting this morning -- set
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for the paddle and it was useful. >> i will say that pat cipollone did appear voluntarily and answered questions. he did not contradict the testimony of other witnesses. i think we did learn a few things which we will be rolling out in the hearings to come. >> so, there is that and there is also reporting on what could be a big step of obtaining testimony from another figure, steve bannon. what else can you tell us about what mr. pat cipollone told the committee ? >> he was behind closed doors for a significant amount of time . as you heard from congresswoman loughran, and
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what he had to say was productive. they got information from him that they were looking for. now, the question is how much of what they heard from prior witnesses was pat cipollone able to specifically can confirm and there was a little bit of a caveat that was provided today. take a listen. >> he could say so-and-so was wrong which he did not say. there were things that he might not be present for or in some cases couldn't recall with precision. my sense was that he, as i said, he did appear voluntarily and i think he was candid with the committee. he was careful in his answers. and i believe that he was honest in his answers. >> the way you could interpret what congressman zoe lofgren said there is did the committee hand him a statement that was
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made by cassidy hutchinson and then say did you say this in the way that she interpreted it ? and there appears to be a bit of disagreement as to about how that played itself out but regardless anderson, he was in there for a long time. congressman zoe lofgren said what they learned from him was productive and it will help their investigation and we will have to see in the coming days whether or not any of this appears in their hearings which are scheduled for next week. >> a possible development, what about steve bannon? >> steve bannon is currently under indictment by the department of justice because of his lack of cooperation with the january 6th select committee . he has been found in criminal contempt and he is now facing a trial coming up later this summer. . trump is considering sending a letter to steve bannon waiting any privilege barriers that would prevent him from testifying in front of the committee. if he were to do that, that could theoretically set up a situation where steve bannon
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could come in and answer questions from the committee and that would then put him in a situation where he wouldn't necessarily be facing a criminal charge. now, how this all plays out, is this just a tactic to try to prevent steve bannon from facing criminal charges in that trial? that is still something that is up in the air. trump would actually have to do this and then the committee would have to decide if steve bannon coming in and if his testimony would be valuable. we are a long way from any of that happening but the fact that the former president is even considering this is significant. we will have to see how this whole process plays itself out. >> i appreciate it. thank you. more on this and the hearings ahead we are joined by andrew mccabe also cnn chief legal analyst and former federal prosecutor jeffrey --. congressman lofgren talked about pat cipollone not trent contradicting any of the testimonies but also says not contradicting is not the same
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as confirming. what does that mean? >> there is a variety of things it could mean. for example, as she said, if he didn't remember certain conversations that cassidy hutchinson said took place, that would be not contradicting but that would not be confirming. if he asserted a privilege about certain conversations, that would be not contradicting but also not confirming. all of that are possibilities and you know, i guess we will have to wait and find out. it is really hard to speculate. there is a large universe of things that are not contradictory but also not confirming. >> andrew, if pat cipollone is speaking to other people and not the president in the white house in his role as white house counsel or chief the white house counsel, is that under any kind of privilege?
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>> it's hard to see how any privilege would present prevent mr. cipollone to testify about conversations he had with others. otherwise, i totally agree with jeff. there is a lot of opportunity and a lot of ways that you cannot confirm but cannot contradict. i tend to think that the privilege is probably not one of the things that weighed in on that. it's likely more just an issue of recollection. he may not remember the alleged conversation with cassidy hutchinson in which he allegedly said, keep him from going up to the capital or we will get charged with all kinds of crimes. there is nothing wrong with -- it's not privileged to say i don't remember but it's essentially --. >> and here is the problem with the committee's problem with mr. cipollone. ordinarily, they could challenge
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his assertion of a reason why he couldn't testify for privilege or some reason like that. there is no time to go to court. they could fight it out in the seven hours and what we don't know is how much of the seven hours of testimony today was actually the lawyers are doing about what mr. cipollone could testify about. unfortunately, for the committee, mr. cipollone held the cards and he could testify and make the rules and presumably, it sounds like through congressman lofgren that they did get some productive stuff that they only got what mr. cipollone wanted to give them. >> do you think that has any kind of impact on a potential investigation by the justice department? >> well, you know, that would be -- that is kind of mr. cipollone testifying under a entirely different rubric, right? if the dust apartment is interested in talking to him in pursuit of criminal investigation that they might
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be conducting either now or in the future, they would essentially have to go through the same process. they might require that they give him a subpoena and out of a quote unquote friendly subpoena and then they would have to grapple with these same issues. the differences that they would likely have the time and the ability to litigate disputed issues of privilege. now, it is interesting that it will be hard for him to assert rutledge and get on those things that i mentioned before. conversations that he had with other people, not the president. also, there are specific instances in which we know that the true holder of presidential privilege, which is the current president joseph biden, has already waited that privilege with respect to certain conversations. in other words, the infamous january 3rd meeting with the acting attorney general and the acting deputy attorney general and mr. cipollone, that meeting is fair game. there is no privilege that covers anything in that. there is a lot of ground here
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for mr. cipollone to talk about. >> jeff, what do you make of this trump considering signing a letter for steve bannon? steve bannon was not a white house official. what magic executive privilege claims is he actually under? does that make any sense to you? >> i am going to go out on a limb and say this whole thing is a joke. steve bannon is under criminal contempt prosecution for failing to answer subpoenas that he didn't answer. that's a criminal charge from the justice department. that's done. if he wants to testify now, god bless, but his criminal case isn't about that it's about failure to testify in the past. this is a last-ditch effort for steve bannon to try to throw sand in the gears and say no, maybe i will testify, maybe that would be a waiver of the village. the whole thing seems like steve bannon trying to gain the
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committee's chain and it's not even up to the committee anymore. this is a charge from the justice department and they are the ones that have to decide whether to go forward with this case. there is a trial date and he is going to court. i think some letter that donald trump may or may not right is utterly irrelevant. >> he has offered to waive his first amendment rights and testify before the committee but only if he could do it in person and not from prison. his attorney says he wants to confront them. what do you make of this? is this a, he wants to get a present for the day and wants a grandstand or is this serious? >> i would tell you, it smells a little bit like this nonsense
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about the letter for steve bannon. in that it's a sideshow set up to capitalize on some ability to reduce the kind of exposure that they are facing. i do not think it will work. it does highlight the top position that the justice department is in here. they are trying to mount a successful prosecution in a big, complicated conspiracy case while the committee is taking evidence from witnesses. there is a ton of information that you need to review that the committee is holding right now to make sure they are meeting their obligations and things like that. this would only further complicate that. i don't think it has any direct relevance in this prosecution but it is certainly a sideshow and if i were justice, i would be very, very concerned about this happening. the last thing you need is stewart rhodes on tape making a bunch of self-serving exculpatory statements to congress while you are in the
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middle of trying to put on a prosecution. >> but one of the things we have learned in these hearings is -- i'm sorry, it's actually better for the committee to have people on tape than lie. because the committee has been able to pick and choose. that's why i think it is actually better that they have mr. cipollone on tape as opposed to live so they can -- they can find the useful parts of the testimony and get rid of any sort of filibuster or having and hauling and the same thing with this joker in prison. they don't need him life. he can just, like, brought in weight. >> we appreciate it. thank you. scott coming up next, how japan is coping with the almost unimaginable assassination of shinzo abe, the country's longest-serving prime minister. later, a month and a half since their loved ones were murdered, the people of uvalde , texas have no answers just a lot of conflicting information and a lot of lies and cover
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shock that people from japan are experiencing, consider this, they just saw a political figure murdered, something that has not happened in this country since robert kennedy and dr. martin luther king jr. in 1968, the manner of association was as far removed from japanese life as anything. former prime minister shinzo abe was killed with a firearm in a country that only recorded one such death last year. not 1000 or 100, just one. now, this one. more from our correspondent. >> reporter: japanese prime minister shinzo abe was speaking at a campaign rally when chaos ensued. two shots are heard. he is hit in the chest and neck.
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the weapon, a handmade gun was found laying on the ground. bystanders try to aid the former prime minister before he is rushed to the nearest hospital. soon, news broke he had succumbed to his injuries and died. he was 67 years old. >> there were two bullet wounds. he was in a cardiopulmonary arrest after damage to blood vessels in the heart. we took resuscitative measures but unfortunately he died at 5:03 p.m. >> reporter: is a rare occurrence in japan with low crime rate and guns in japan. police arrested the suspect, a 41-year-old man who did not flee after the attack. he later admitted to shooting abe. he associated the prime minister with the group he helped "a grudge against." >> he loved this country and constantly looked beyond the current generation working hard for a brighter future of this country. leaving behind many major
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successes in various categories. >> reporter: world leaders have condemned the assassination. resident joe biden said he is stunned and outraged by abe's death and called him a champion of headship between our people. >> this hasn't happened in japan in decades and decades. i am told will go all the way back to the late 30s. the justice department will be going in and getting more detail. >> reporter: former u.s. president, barack obama, said he was shocked and saddened. he called him a friend and longtime partner. president donald trump called abe a true friend. from china, reaction came from the country's embassy in japan. abe's contribution to promoting improvement of relations. his relations with beijing were sometimes contentious. he was the first japanese prime minister to meet with a chinese counterpart in years. it was also critical of beijing's stance on taiwan. his assassination, now a black
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dot in a country's history. a violent act of crime that is due to send ripples of shock across japan. overnight anderson we have learned more about the suspect involved. police said the suspect is a 41- year-old unemployed man and has admitted to the shooting. he was swarmed by security after. he was arrested on the spot. he was in possession of what is being described as a homemade gun. despite a specific security plan put in place that included dozens of police officers, it didn't stop the gunmen from slowly walking up behind abe while he was speaking and firing those two fatal shots. today, public broadcaster nhk says japan's national police agency will now renew and review police --. anderson? >> thank you so much. perspective now from tobias harris. he is a author of the --. also
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secret service agents and jonathan --. what do you think happened here? how was the shooter able to get that close to the former prime minister, jonathan? was it because he was a former prime minister or is that just how politicking is done in japan? >> let me first just frame this one way. threats against political leaders do not end when they leave office. typically, they do reduce overtime but they are never going to be fully eliminated, especially if you remain in political power. i think when we assess what is going on today, we are looking at this incident from an american viewpoint, really, when we think about political rallies with about large buffer zones, barricades, but really when we flip this and look at this from the japanese cultural perspective, which is really based upon low crime rates and
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almost nonexistent gun violence, having political rallies out in public spaces like we saw this incident a core in is very common. the point here is the threats facing political leaders around the world never remain at rest and they always fear to necessitate security measures to be put in place and i think what we will see moving forward in japan is a different type of methodology put forth when it comes to planning political security. tobias, you actually worked for japanese lawmakers years ago. how common is it for a politician to be that close at that level.? >> it's extreme the common. it is japanese political cultural and probably one of the most i guess you could say the most charming things about how japanese democracy works. there is very little distance between elected officials and their voters and campaign seasons like just like what we are seeing now, all across the
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country, politicians are standing outside train stations talking to voters. i always liked when the politicians would give their business cards when little kids would come up. there is a lot of interaction with boaters and it's not -- you have some online campaigning but it is still mainly based on face-to-face interaction with boaters. >> and tobias, still having incredibly strong president in the party in japanese politics? >> absolutely. and in some ways we wonder if that's why to some extent if this is why he was targeted. he remained an outside figure. no japanese politician could match his public profile. he was incredibly powerful and it had been nearly two years since he resigned from office and he was almost a larger-than- life figure. certainly one with a big global presence as we have seen today as tributes for him. certainly, more visible than most japanese politicians. jonathan, what we have a security design protection and
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what would it be like for a former prime minister versus a current. >> there is a big difference and the reason is being the person who holds office holds more power and the risk rating is different and what you would see in an application of control measures again, thinking about more security, more perimeter security, more security screaming, that will be different. but again, we have to look at what was going on at the moment here and what we saw from this attack is that the attacker had the advantage from the very beginning about controlling the time, location, and the manner of this attack. and that is what caught security offguard. again, because gun violence and these types of attacks are so anomalous within japanese society, --. the fact that you can have
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close distance to the target is a recipe for disaster. >> especially with a weapon that seems to have been made at home, a double barrel shotgun type weapon. >> absolutely. i think that is a really important point, right? we don't know the exact motivation but what we do know is that there was a significant level of sophistication put into the preplanning. again, this was premeditated, just the construction of the weapon itself in an environment that is absent of weapons. just the thought of building this weapon on your own and testing that weapon to see if it could function properly and then launching this attack, it just shows a very sophisticated level of planning that went into this and that will be a driver for investigators to get to a motive. >> and tobias, finally, really, transiting legacy in japanese politics, what is it? >> i think as japan's longest serving prime minister he was
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in a position to make a number of decisions that really will guide his successors for years to come. i think the economic and foreign policy, he laid down the blueprints that other prime ministers are following when it comes to relations with countries, united states, other countries in asia and the mix of economic policies that we are seeing. all of that, i think all of the successors will have a hard time superseding that. finding something that does the job better. and so, in some ways after abe, his vision was the right way and there is no alternative. >> i really appreciate it. thank you. up next, more on japan's strict gun laws in the late prime ministers considerable legacy. we will be right back. minions are bitin' today. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ minions: the rise of gru, only in theaters.
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we are talking tonight about the murder by firearm of a former prime minister in a country where weapons are hard to come by. randy k tonight has more tonight on japan's strict gun laws and how they compared to ours. >> reporter: in japan, this is a rare sight. guns are hardly ever seen here and rarely used in violent crimes. last year according to the country's national police agency there were fewer than a dozen shootings in japan. and just one gun related death.
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that's in a population of about 125 million people. compare that to the united dates which has more than double the population and start 20,944 gun related deaths last year. that does not include the more than 24,000 suicides last year. why such a start difference between the two countries? strict gun laws. in japan, hand guns are outlawed. in fact, japan's firearm laws only allow for the sale of shotguns and air rifles. this man told cnn, air guns are enough for him saying it is similar to a real gun. and this student said he would be comfortable with a real gun even if he could buy one. buying a gun in japan takes time and lots of patience. to qualify for a firearm license in japan you must attend an all-day class, pass a written test and score at least
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95% accuracy on a shooting range test. a mental health evaluation and drug test is also required. mandatory background checks include a review of the purchaser's criminal record, personal debt, connection to organized crime, if any, and relationships with family and friends. this former police officer told cnn it took him 40 days to be approved for a gun purchase. >> this is a tool that can and someone's life. there should be a strict screening process he said. in japan, new gun owners must also register their weapon with police and provide details to law enforcement about where the gun and ammunition are stored. in separate locked compartments as required by law. japanese police also inspect guns each year and gun owners have to retake the class and the exam to renew their license every three years. all of this has kept the number of private gun owners in japan to a minimum. in 2017, the small arms survey
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showed that only an estimated 877,000 guns were owned by civilians in japan. that was just .25 guns per 100 people compared to about 120 guns per 100 people in the u.s. because private firearm ownership is so low, most of the gun violence in japan is linked to the accuser, the japanese criminal network. of the 10 shootings last year police say the okaloosa were us responsible for eight of them. randy k, cnn, palm beach county florida. >> some perspective from national allen is david sanger, when he was there in tokyo he covered this extensively. given the rare gun violence in japan let alone political assassination what kind of impact do you think this will have? >> i think that the political assassination part of it will have significant impact in the way that japanese think about themselves and how they think about the system.
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the last time that a prime minister or former prime minister in japan was killed was 90 years ago. it was 1932. and in that case it was by some navy officers who were on their way to try to get to japan to go to war with the united states nine years before pearl harbor. but, i don't think that it's going to have much of an effect on the anti-gun culture. in fact, the extent to which the suspect here had to go to manufacturer his own god tells you that he really couldn't get one on the open market for all the reasons that randy just described. >> when you were living in japan, what was the general attitude you noticed towards guns? >> pretty much shock if you had one. but, you know, most interesting thing that just struck me as an american who had grown up in the united states and was
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moving to japan and we were there for six years, was that the japanese treated gun ownership and basically the license to own a gun the way americans deal with learning how to drive a car. you have to go through a process of learning what you are doing because the car is a 4000 pound weapon that can be deadly, you have to take an exam, you have to be of sound mind. they want to test your vision. that is the equivalent of the gun accuracy element here. they are not singing you can't own a gun, otherwise you heard from randy, many kinds of guns you cannot own but they are saying you have to treated as if the licensing procedures are real. and not something that you would just breeze through. >> abe focus in his long-term as per mr. on economy and kind of try to solve some of the
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economic problems in japan. what do you think it legacy will be? >> i think he wanted his legacy to be about what was called autonomic switch was basically a way to try to bring japan back to the kind of wholesome economy that i witnessed when i arrived in japan in the late 19 80s and united states was worried that it would become a techno-colony to the japanese. he never succeeded at that. he did succeed at something else which was that he managed to basically instill a national security culture within the government. he created japan's first national security council. similar to the one that the united states has. he ramped up defense spending quite considerably. he wasn't able to get the constitution revised, especially article nine, which is sort of part of a piece constitution that the united states helped write for japan
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but he reinterpreted it so that japan was required to come to the collective defense of allies. in other words, he said we can't depend on the u.s. only and others to defend japan, we have to be willing to defend ourselves. >> david singer, i appreciate your time. thank you. >> great to be with you. >> has been six weeks since 19 students and two teachers were murdered in uvalde, texas. six weeks and still no answer from officials with more than 50 family members telling cnn about the accountability they are still seeking. this is next.
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patagonia, life on the edge of the world. premier sunday night on cnn. >> closed captioning brought to you by advent health. a document obtained by cnn shows uvalde police chief asked for temporary relief to focus on addressing school matters related to the tragedy about two weeks before resigning. this comes as the texas department of public safety cited the district attorney denied were request for the 77 minute video outside of the classroom. meanwhile, families are still demanding and waiting for answers and they haven't gotten
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them. we spoke with some of the victims families. >> it was like putting salt on an open wound. >> every drip of new information adding to the pain for the families of the victims. 2 it's just really hard. because there is just so much suffering and it's hard to grieve when there is no closure. >> reporter: more than 50 family members gathered together in uvalde to meet with cnn. the son, brother, and sister of teacher irma garcia and the father of 10-year-old jackie chris harris spoke on camera. six weeks after their loved ones, 19 children and two teachers were killed. they still need answers. >> when you say there is no closure, what are you looking for? >> i want people to be held accountable. 2 a new report this week said are officers had an opportunity to shoo the gunman before he went inside the school. potentially stopping the tragedy before it began. today, the uvalde disputed this
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claim saying the investigation is now the size of intent scrutiny with conflicting reports emerging and political infighting between local leaders and top state officials. it is more confusion, more frustration for these families. >> when you hear about some of the new information that is now out, what are you thinking? >> they had training and should have gone in. they should've stopped the active shooter. it's aggravating that they didn't do that. >> reporter: what we know is police just feet away in the hallway waited and waited two unlocked doors, a lack of effective command and the officers poorly positioned inside the school were all issues highlighted wednesday's report from the advanced law- enforcement rapid response training center. irma garcia's brother is a police officer in san antonio. he says the in action in the
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hallway is unfathomable. >> i love my brothers in blue, but this is just like any other profession, this profession is not made for everybody, but when it's time to suit up and stared death in the face, they went weak on the knees. christian garcia, irma's oldest child says he has gone numb trying to hold his emotions inside. 2 why did my mom have to go to the door and looked death in the eye? and try to lock that door. >> reporter: after his mother died in the shooting his father died two days later from a heart attack. now he wants accountability. >> one thing i do want is those officers in those hallways, i want them to resign. you want all those officers gone? >> yes. the minute i heard my mom was dead, i mean, i yelled out, i should've taken that bullet.
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because i am in the military. i know what has to be done. i signed up for that. my mom protected those kids but no one protected her. >> my daughter was a fighter. she took a bullet to the heart and still fought. she fought hard to stay alive. and these cowards couldn't go in? >> i am joined now from san antonio. i don't know that i've ever seen a situation where so many weeks after a slaughter of children law-enforcement across the state and officials across the state have remained silenced and have not told the families what has happened?
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i know they say there is investigations going on but it's hard to see this as anything other than given their statements and given their missed directions and their lies from the beginning as a cover-up, as misdirection and the disrespect, you had how many family members in that room listening to those family members speak agreeing with what they were saying? >> there were 60 about close to 60 family members and we had family members of those who survived and then you had family members sadly of the children who died and we are trying to get more of them to speak out and we will hear for more. we will start hearing from some of the surviving families and look at ursin, you are right, every time there is a piece of information that comes out it contradict something else. we just learned today that this information about the of all the police officer who had the gun infighting could've taken him out, the mayor here in
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uvalde said is not true. i spoke to mayor and he said when that information came out, he went and did his own investigation. he went to the police chief of uvalde and asked if this was true she says no . we told this to the dps. we told this to the department of public safety and the texas rangers so it's very hard anderson after all this time to really understand what is going on. what are folks hiding? those family members certainly think there is a cover-up here. they certainly think that the police and law enforcement is hiding. a huge embarrassment for police. >> sheriffs to refusing to testify? >> no, he will testify but remember, you are right. he didn't want to testify first and now he agreed to testify. that is supposed to happen on monday. it is happening behind closed doors. we are not even going to know what he said.. the bottom line is that we say every night there is still so many unanswered questions.
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i don't know, i hope these families get the answers that they want. you have a district attorney was telling authorities don't speak, she is texting them, her office is texting the families when this report is coming out, not giving them a heads up. not telling them it's coming. just sending them the report and then they have to read this horrific information basically on facebook. that's where a lot of them are getting their information. nothing is going on. clearly not making any sense but i could tell you anderson, and i know this from talking to state officials and some of the government officials, they are starting to feel the pressure. with these families are doing by speaking out and coming for like they did last night and today is starting to have an effect on the governor here and the government here and hopefully soon we will start seeing some of the evidence that they have been reviewing. >> i mean, the governor was lied to as well and went out and put out lies because that's what he was told by i guess by his law-
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enforcement people and i guess he didn't ask too many questions even though the questions were obvious about what did he ask and he just went along with the lies he was told and the disrespect shown to the family members is really just extraordinary to me and i so appreciate that you have gotten people together and talk to them and let them voice what they want to get from authorities. it is so disrespectful of officials. i appreciate it. thank you. coming up, president biden signed an executive order on abortion. what it actually does and abortion dominant in the senate race in the key battle in nevada next. is it on the green? [goose squawks] i was just looking for my ball. 19th hole, sam adams summer ale. [goose squawks] (here you go.) (cheers guys!) ♪ is this where your grandparents cut a rug, with a jitterbug? or returned from war, dreaming of the possibilities ahead. ♪ where your dad waited for his dad to come home from the factory. is this where they gathered on their front steps, with fats domino on the breeze...
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president biden today signed an executive order aiming at protecting reproductive rights. in the wake of the white house decision, the secretary of health and human services with issue a report outlining public outreach, provide new legal assistance to doctors and patients and focus on protecting patient privacy. doing more the president said calls interest electing lawmakers this november who would support federal legislation for protecting access. as kyung lah reports, it is a hot topic on the campaign trail.
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>> reporter: in the battleground state of nevada, the battle of the u.s. senate -- >> the woman's right to choose is not a partisan issue. >> reporter: -- may lie with abortion right supporters like suzanne fisher. >> i'm a registered republican, the day i turned 18. >> how angry are you about what's happened? >> on a scale of 1-10, about 9 1/2. >> that's pretty angry. >> reporter: angry enough to reject her party's senate nominee and instead support a democrat. in 1990 nevada voters codified abortion access into the constitution. then a young mother of two fisher was one of the activists who went door-to-door to convince voters. in the 2022 mid-term on the heels of roe v. wade being overturned fisher fears that work would be unspun. >> i do think this is going to be a pivotal issue for a lot of races and especially in this
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state. >> how many women do you think are like you? >> i think a whole lot more than we know. i really do. >> the opponent who is running against me -- would be the vote that would support a federal abortion ban. >> the majority of nevadans support abortion rights. and incumbent senator catherine cortez masto is seizing on the issue to hammer away at republican senate candidate adam laxalt. >> i'm ready to fight for what is right. >> reporter: who is mounting a significant challenge backed by donald trump. >> and there's no one more trustworthy in nevada than adam. >> reporter: he has said he will honor the constitution protecting abortion, but then audio suggests he wants to reverse the state constitution. but then audio suggests he wants to rereverse the state constitution. >> and roe v. wade was always a joke. it was a total, complete invention. we are not a pro-life state. we've got work to do on that. >> women are outraged because this is a state that we really respect women's freedom and the right to choose. and just outraged by what we see happening across the country. >> reporter: but the outrage
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front and center among voters is on prices affecting their pocketbooks. >> gas prices, grocery prices, housing market, all that. >> what do you want to tell the party in power right now about how you feel? >> you let us down. >> reporter: at this reno grocery store, other democrats say abortion rights are vital but so is feeding their families tonight. >> i am a registered democrat. and i'm kind of debating on why. i'm not going to lie. >> catherine cortez masto is on the ballot. >> yes. >> will you be voting for her? >> i may be actually. maybe. we're going to see. i'm playing it by ear right now. >> senator cortez masto is crisscrossing the state talking not just to women but to working class latinos. former president donald trump is scheduled to be here in las vegas this evening rallying side by side with adam laxalt in order to energize republican voters.
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anderson? >> and the races go on. we'll be right back.
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hours to be precise. and it's all on the record. but what exactly did the panel